We take photos of homes, a lot of homes, and a lot of pictures!
But, rental listings are short-lived. Once the home is rented, the listing disappears from the internet. So, those photographs also disappear! When a client recently asked us to "show him examples of our listings" we could show him the then-current listings, but that was it. We wanted to be able to show other listing photos from homes that already rented.
And so was born the idea for a gallery website. To showcase our beautiful homes and how we can present them in photos. We think we do an alright job of showing each home we represent, and take pride in our marketing.
The gallery website allows us to organize photos by type, and also a few sample listings so you can get the "whole picture" of how take the entire set of listing photos, and video, and social media posts. Yes, we do a lot, but we enjoy it.
So, check out the website here: Gallery
Let us know what you think, or what else you'd like to see!
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm